Mission 4: Helping Hurricane Ian Victim’s on Pine Island and Bonita Beach, FL

During mission 4 we drove down to Pine Island and Bonita Springs, Florida and passed out much needed supplies; directly to the victim’s of Hurricane Ian. During this mission we are delivering: Bottled water, first aid supplies, trash bags, lanterns, batteries, and many other needed supplies directly to the survivors. 100% of the donations collected were provided by our generous viewers, used to purchase supplies, and then handed out to the most needy. 7 Videos (13:70 Hrs)

Mission 4: Preparation & Travel

Mission 4: Our Journey Tonight and Update For Hurricane Ian Relief (10 Mins)

Mission 4: Getting Supplies For Mission 4, For our Trip to Hurricane IAN Relief (5 Mins)

Mission 4: Loading Truck for Hurricane Ian Relief (2 Mins)

Mission 4: Headed South for Hurricane Ian Relief (Part 1) (1:35 Hrs)

Mission 4: Day 1 - Handing out Supplies in Pine Island, Florida

Mission 4: (Live) Hurricane Ian Relief (Part 2) (4:52 Hrs)

Mission 4: Tonight's Update In Pine Island FL (2 Mins)

Mission 4: Day 2 - Handing out Supplies in Bonita Beach, Florida

Mission 4, Day 2: Hurricane Ian Relief in Bonita Springs (Part 3) (6:54 Hrs)

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